Welcome to Soulipie!

Soulipie offers a platform for forging significant connections, where the magic of meaningful interactions unfolds. Whether you instantly connect with someone or not, engaging in conversations may lead to something more profound. The realm of opportunities is abundant, and the possibilities are boundless. We extend a warm invitation to all adults to embark on an exploration of Soulipie’s captivating world.

At Soulipie, our utmost priority is to cultivate an environment that is enjoyable, secure, and all-encompassing, where individuals can truly express themselves while getting to know others. In order to establish clear expectations for everyone’s conduct, both within and beyond the app, we have outlined these Community Guidelines. It is crucial to familiarize yourself with them, as failing to adhere to these guidelines can result in tangible consequences, ranging from gentle reminders to account suspensions.

Etiquette expected of Soulipie users:

  • You will not post, or transmit to other users, any defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, offensive, sexually oriented, threatening, harassing racially offensive, or illegal material, or any material that infringes or violates another party’s rights.
  • While engaging in messaging on our platform, it’s important to bear in mind the kind of conversation you would have with someone you just met at a club or coffee shop. Maintaining a respectful and considerate tone is key to fostering positive connections within our community.
  • When it comes to uploading photos, it’s prudent to reflect on whether the pose or outfit you choose would be deemed appropriate in a public setting. This exercise ensures that the images you share align with societal norms and values, promoting a comfortable and inclusive environment for all.
  • When crafting your profile, take a moment to contemplate whether you would feel at ease having a family member or friend read it. This perspective allows you to gauge the level of authenticity, sincerity, and appropriateness conveyed in your profile, ensuring that it accurately represents who you are while maintaining a level of respectability.
  • You will not use a robot, spider, site search/retrieval application, or other manual or automatic device or process to retrieve, index, data mine, or in any way reproduce, reverse engineer or bypass the navigational structure or presentation of the service or its contents.
  • You will not use the Soulipie app for soliciting your business activities or for commercial purposes.
  • You will not provide inaccurate, misleading or false information to Soulipie or to any other user.
  • You will not publish links to other websites.
  • You are not permitted to share details of Soulipie login with another person.
  • You should be using your discretion while sharing personal information with other users on Soulipie.
  • Soulipie Members are expected to exercise simple precautions for their privacy and safety.
  • Your account will be terminated if you are found to misuse the written spaces on Soulipie.
  • Your photos will be reviewed before being published on Soulipie.
  • You will not upload viruses or other malicious code or compromise the security of the services offered by Soulipie in any way.
  • You will not post content that is vulgar, defamatory, controversial, violative of copyrights and trademark rights, or violative of any law that the publishing of such content may be subject to.
  • You will use in a lawful, responsible and respectful manner, any information provided by another Soulipie user.
  • You will not use the service to disrupt public order.
  • You will not infringe upon the normal running of Soulipie or its infrastructure in any way.
  • You will immediately cease contacting any user who asks you to stop contacting them.
  • You will not post, copy, modify, disclose or distribute via our Website or App any confidential information; or any other material which is subject to our or a third party’s (intellectual property) rights, without first obtaining our or the relevant third party’s prior written consent.
  • Don’t impersonate. Don’t use Soulipie to drive people to external websites via link or otherwise.
  • Avoid promotion of prostitution and trafficking.
  • One person is allowed to have only one account, so do not create an account with your friend or your significant other or any other person.


As a valued member of the Soulipie community, we wholeheartedly encourage you to voice your concerns and take a stand against any form of misconduct. If someone is causing you harm, making you feel uneasy, or engaging in behavior that goes against our Community Guidelines, we strongly urge you to report it. Rest assured that your report will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. Your action in reporting such incidents plays a vital role in putting an end to harmful behavior and safeguarding the well-being of others.

If you see anyone who violates these guidelines, please report them to us right away.

Result of actions

At Soulipie, we hold our Community Guidelines in high regard, recognizing the significant impact they have on fostering a positive community experience. We are fully committed to ensuring that all members adhere to these guidelines, and we will take every possible measure to enforce them. To facilitate this, we have implemented a warning system. However, if violations persist or if the violation is severe in nature, we will respond appropriately.

Please be aware that we reserve the right to investigate and, if necessary, terminate accounts without offering a refund for any purchases if we determine that a user has misused the Service or engaged in behavior deemed inappropriate, unlawful, or in violation of our Community Guidelines or Terms of Use. This includes actions or communications that occur outside the confines of the Service but involve individuals you have connected with through the Service.